
March 26, 2008

Research Blogs

This blog is Neal Haslem's new research blog.

Research Blogs can be excellent. They can be portable recording mechanisms, they can work as an endless jotter, allowing the researcher to 'get everything down', they can help create the connections and aid the memory that allows connections to be made, they can disseminate the research being done, they can start conversations, make connections between researchers who have something to learn from one another....

they can also be a bit of a dead duck; if they are not added to regularly, if they do not seem 'safe' enough to publish to without the threat of public exposure and backlash, if they act as a tool for procrastination, allowing the researcher to spend countless hours designing new interfaces or writing introspective circular memos of use to no-one in particular....

so 'here goes' with this blog, smash the bottle and its into the internet sea... and off it sails, here's hoping....

( and I'm also in the market for a new 'personal productivity tool'... omnigiraffe?)